Moving my cursor over an album's images showed data about each file including who contributed the photo or video, when it was captured and how many comments it had received in the album. 当我把鼠标移动到某个缩略图上时,shwup会自动显示有关文件的资料,包括上传相片或者视频的用户,拍摄时间,在本相册里所收到评论的次数。
The data is copied by using either INSERT FROM CURSOR, which is the default, or LOAD if the correct option is set. 数据可以通过使用INSERTFROMCURSOR(默认设置)复制,也可以通过LOAD复制(如果设置了正确的选项的话)。
After you've positioned the cursor at the insert row, you update the row's columns to hold your new data values and call the insertRow() method to indicate that the new values should be saved. 当您把游标定位到插入行之后,更新行的各个列以保存新数据值并调用insertRow()方法以指示应当保存新值。
Turning the cursor invisible creates a cleaner look when data is scrolling across the screen. 将光标转换为不可见可以使数据滚动时的屏幕看起来更整洁。
This way, a LOAD FROM CURSOR is a fast and easy possibility to move data between different tablespaces or different databases. 因此,LOADFROMCURSOR是在不同的表空间或数据库之间快速轻松地转移数据的方法。
You might also want to consider the type of cursor you should use to optimize data access. 您可能还会考虑您用来优化数据库访问的游标类型。
With the DECLARE CURSOR command, a cursor is defined that reads all data of the source table SALES using a trivial SELECT statement. 使用DECLARECURSOR命令定义一个游标,它使用SELECT语句读取源表SALES的所有数据。
Every time the script is executed, assuming the datapool cursor is advanced ( a datapool cursor is a pointer to the current row), the next row of data will be entered. 在每次执行脚本时,假定数据池光标在前面(数据池光标是对当前行的指针),下一个数据行将被输入。
If you have a long-running OPEN CURSOR, it is not because DB2 is building a result set. It is most likely because DB2 is doing a data sort at OPEN ( usually to satisfy a common ORDER BY). 如果您有一个长期运行的OPENCURSOR,并不是因为DB2正在构建一个结果集,最有可能是因为DB2正在OPEN(通常满足一个常见orderby)上进行数据排序。
A sensitive cursor provides a dynamic view of the underlying data, whereas an insensitive cursor generally isn't sensitive to any changes made to the database while the cursor is open. 敏感游标将提供底层数据的一个动态视图,而不敏感游标通常对游标打开时数据库的变化不敏感。
If you need to control how the data is fetched from the database, pureQuery provides the option to define the type, concurrency level and holdability of the database cursor used to fetch the data. 如果需要控制如何从数据库中抓取数据,pureQuery为定义用于抓取数据的数据库游标的类型、并发级别和保持能力提供了选项。
In addition, new Boolean, cursor, row, and array data types are now supported. 此外,现在还支持新的布尔、游标、行和数组数据类型。
With the help of sample scenarios, the article demonstrates how DB2's LOAD FROM CURSOR feature can be used to copy data fast and simple within a database and also between different databases. 本文通过示例场景演示了如何使用DB2的LOADFROMCURSOR特性在一个数据库中以及不同的数据库之间快速轻松地复制数据。
In addition, you can use the setting, Enable cursor positioning option on input fields, to allow the user to switch from data input mode to cursor positioning mode for input fields. 另外,您可以使用设置,Enablecursorpositioningoptiononinputfields,来允许用户从数据输入模式切换至游标定位模式。
Say you come in one day and see a cursor moving independently or find packaged files of user data moved to the FTP server. 假设您某一天发现光标不受控制地移动,或者发现用户数据的打包文件被移动到FTP服务器。
Causes the view associated with a cursor to activate without downloading data. 使与临时表相关的视图不经卸载数据而激活。
Refreshes cursor with current data from data source. 用数据源中的当前数据刷新临时表。
Hover your cursor over the Data Structure: drop-down list and a detailed explanation of the options will be displayed. 悬停您的光标移动超过数据结构:下拉式清单的详细说明的选项会被显示。
Specifies an alias associated with a Cursor object as the current alias when the data environment is loaded. 在数据环境加载时,指定与某个临时表对象相关的某个别名为当前别名。
Methods of optimizing query performance in SQL Server are given. The query performance would be optimized by selecting index field, designing high performance application, replacing cursor with stored process and decentralizing stored data. 给出了在SqlServer中优化查询性能的方法,指出通过选取索引字段、设计高性能的应用程序、使用存储过程代替游标及分散存储数据的方法可优化查询性能。
NET is not a simple upgrade of ADO. It is privileged than ADO in table counts, table structure in memory, data navigate and cursor, accelerate connection open time and data share between applications. NET不是ADO的简单的升级,它在表的个数、在内存中的表现形式、数据导航和游标、将打开连接的时间降至最低和在应用程序间共享数据都优ADO。
Data Cursor handle Java objects like cursor in database and access server-side data in batches by offering local cache. 提出了一种新的数据对象DataCursor,它将数据库的游标思想用于Java对象,并且通过提供本地缓存可以分批访问服务器端的数据。